Friday, August 28, 2009

A Friday with Autumn

What did I do today? I was interested in going for a walk with Autumn in the stroller to start off our day. The walk gets me moving first thing and she enjoys it. She spends most of the time singing to herself, incorporating “twinkle twinkle little star” and the “abcs” and the “sea-saw song” (thank you Diana and Phil.) But today it was raining early. Since I knew I was to be trapped in the house I took Autumn to the to the market and bought some chicken with all the fixings for a nice warm Friday night meal. It made me feel all Jewish and Shabbat-stik. Nice. Comfortable. I stopped to enjoy Autumn loving everything in the store and wanting to walk and touch. Then I stopped enjoying that got Autumn back in the cart so we could get out of there. We came home and I began to cook a delicious chicken feast with carrots, potatoes, gravy, onions and string beans. Autumn wanted to cook with me so I gave her a carrot to play with. She ran around the kitchen talking to the cat “cat eat, cat run, moew moew, cat go downstairs, I coming, get back here!”